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发布时间:2021年06月30日 16:38    作者:    点击:[]



一、 会议主要议题

1. 出土和出水铁质文物腐蚀机理;

2. 铁质文物稳定性评估方法与技术;

3. 环境因素对铁质文物的作用机制;

4. 保护修复材料和方法对铁质文物保存和保护的影响;

5. 铁质文物的预防性保护;

6. 铁质文物修复案例。

二、 会议时间和地点

  时间:初定为20211022 - 24


三、 会议注册


四、 会议论文

1. 论文摘要提交截止时间:2021831日;

2. 论文摘要要求:字数要求500字以内,限附一张图片,篇幅控制在1A4纸张。论文后附作者简介(包括姓名、职务职称、工作单位、联系地址、电话、邮箱等);

3. 投稿方式:请注册并登陆会议网站后,以word形式通过会议网站“我的会议”,选择“摘要提交”上传。


五、 会议费用



六、 会议联系人









International Symposium on Conservation and Preservation of Archaeological Iron in Museum Collections & Annual Project Seminar

To demonstrate and report new achievements and progresses in the field of archaeological iron conservation and preservation, promote the deep study on the national key research and development project - "Research on the degradation mechanism and the key techniques for preservation of fragile archaeological iron in museum collections", and help bringing together scientific researchers and conservation professionals in the field to exchange knowledge and skills, the Institute of Cultural Heritage at Shandong University, and Institute of Preservation & Conservation at National Museum of China, are jointly organizing the "International Symposium on Conservation and Preservation of Archaeological Iron in museum collections & Annual Project Seminar ". Invited keynote speeches and selected papers will be presented at the symposium and discussions will be held among participants.

1. Symposium topics

1) Corrosion mechanism of archaeological iron from field and maritime excavation;

2) Methods and techniques applied to stability assessment of archaeological iron;

3) The impact of environmental factors on the deterioration of archaeological iron;

4) The impact of conservation materials and treatments on preservation of archaeological iron;

5) Preventive conservation of archaeological iron;

6) Case studies in conservation of archaeological iron.

2. Dates and venue

Provisional dates: 22-24 October 2021

Venue: Institute of Cultural Heritage, Shandong University, Qingdao, Shandong, 266237, China

3. Registration

You need to register an account prior to submitting the registration form, abstract, hotel reservation etc.. The symposium website is: https://huiyi.sdu.edu.cn/webinfo/viewenglish?id=110.

4. Abstract

1) Deadline for abstract submission: August 31st, 2021

2) Format of abstract: a word file of no more than one A4 paper including authors name, affiliation, contact email, a maximum of 500 words and an image.

5. Travel and accommodation

Travel and accommodation expenses will be participants’ own responsibility. Meals during the symposium will be provided by the conference. Presentations by international participants may have to be made online because of the COVID-19. pandemic.

Accommodation: Crowne Plaza Qingdao Ocean Spring Resort - Qingdao, Mainland China Hotel | IHG (reservation via organization committee)

6. Organising Committee

Quanyu Wang (Institute of Cultural HeritageShandong University)

Ran Zhang (National Museum of China)


Mr. Yazheng Wang, Email: wyzh1989@sdu.edu.cn.

Miss Shimei Sun, Email: sunsm1026@sdu.edu.cn

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